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The Kobelco Auto Dismantler  is one of the biggest advancements in car recycling and is now bringing increased profit margins to operations that are employing this machine. Over 13 million vehicles have been scrapped over the last 20 years and due to the high costs of removing the valuable materials hidden throughout the vehicles, a large percentage of precious metal recovery has been lost. By adding this machine to the workflow, not only are recycling operations recovering much more of this valuable material, but they are also able to process many more vehicles per day than before.

Use the below calculator to enter your current average time per vehicle and your current average income from ferrous/nonferrous metal recycling per vehicle. Then change the values to see how much the Auto Dismantler can affect your profit margins.

Many experienced Kobelco Auto Dismantler operators state that they can easily average 10-15 minutes per vehicle (some say as low as 6 minutes per vehicle) and average about $100 more per car in valuable materials.

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